Rodrigo's State Of the Nation Address

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered his third State of the Nation Address or known as SONA last July 23, 2018 at the Batasang Pambansa. He delivered that to inform us about the happenings in our country. It is annually delivered on the 4th Monday of the month of July.

Even though i didn't watched the SONA of our Dearest President because i was in our school, i managed to surf the internet and read some articles, summaries, and the script of President Duterte in his speech. I was amazed because of his powerful words and also protesters would gather around in a particular place to protest or rally  to the President.

In the beginning of his speech he reminisced his experience when he was just elected as our new president. Mr. Duterte's speech was very comprehensive. He tackled all the important and significant issues that we have in our country, The Philippines. The President also mentioned to the Congress that he wants the second package of tax reforms passed before the end of the year. It is true that the war against drugs can't be resolve that easily. Many Filipinos' lives will depart. Also corruption is one of the difficult problems that our country is facing. Thanks to the Congress for passing the Ease of Doing Business Act (this creates a unified application form for the people of the Philippines.) And most importantly the Health condition of every individual in this country.

Therefore, I conclude that we also have a responsibility and we have to do our part as a Filipino Citizen, so that we can also contribute and help our President in maintaining the Peace and Unity in our country.



  1. Nang isinilang ka sa mundong ito, ikaw ay isinilang. Ang kamay nila ay iyong kamay. Ang nanay at tatay mo, sila ang mga magulang mo. At ikaw ang anak ng mga magulang mo. Mahal ka ng nanay mo, pero mas mahal ka ng tatay mo kaya mahal ka nilang dalawa. NICE COMMENT FROM ME :>


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