
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Exchanging of cards and gifts. The cold breeze of air flowing everywhere. It is like magic wand over this world that makes everything softer and more beautiful. It is a season where everyone unites. Singing songs, and expressing love for others and for the newly born child, Jesus. 

The yuletide season is always celebrated in the month of December, it is a season where different traditions are conducted, and spent in the warm circle of friends. I can say that Christmas is also a festival because it is a source of joy and happiness for all. Beautiful things you can see when it's Christmas is the sparkling of lights, the stars, the sound of carols, the song of the angels, and mostly the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. 

For me the true essence of the Yuletide Season is to "Give Love". Because it is better to give than to receive.


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